Tuesday 19 July 2016

Festival of Learning 2016

As part of our festival of learning this summer term, parents were invited to watch out cookery shows. Unfortunately, some parents missed the presentation they come to see. 

Here are the videos of our shows. 

We are really proud to present you work made entirely by the year 4 students, from the script to the editing of the movie. They even created the recipe they are cooking in their shows. 

The end result of this project show using and applying of computing and literacy skills. 

Try those recipe and leave a comment on your experience enjoying making stir fries.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Lights, camera,wok...Stir-Frying

Is stir frying a healthy way of cooking?

Over the next week, year 4 will be proving it in a video that it is!

On Friday July 8th 2016, we learned how to cut vegetable safely. In order to make a stir fry, you need thin sliced vegetables. It was hard at first, but with the practice, the students were cutting like pros :)
Olivia will not let this carrot win!
This team is proud of their work!

Shhhh.. Lucas is so focused. He takes his time in order to cut precisely and safely. 
This week, students worked collaboratively in mixed classes on writing the script for a cookery show. Some students were in charge of writing the script, some on mapping out the story board where as another member was in charge of typing the recipe on the computer.

Lucas and Ameena are organizing how they will film.  
Using our resources is always important when writing. 
Lilly is using an Ipad to create the movie.
She uses Imovie app. 

 This week, students worked collaboratively in mixed classes on writing the script for a cookery show. Some students were in charge of writing the script, some on mapping out the story board where as another member was in charge of typing the recipe on the computer.

This Friday, you will have the chance to watch our shows and read our recipe book as well.

Be careful, watching 1 hour of cooking delicious food, may stimulate your hunger.

Friday 1 July 2016

Converting measurements In maths

Today our maths group continued to work on converting measurements. We have concentrated on length and at last are beginning to get the hang of it. We worked in groups to carry out some physical activities like standing long jump, hop skip and a jump , running long jump and how far we can do the splits!! We took the measurements for each event and then awarded points for who was the best at each event. As we haven't quite finished completing all of the events, we will finish on Monday during our maths lesson. 

We will let you know who wins.